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The husband’s age was not stated in the court documents. However, the prosecutors said that he and the victim were married in 1994, have three children of school-going age. It was not stated if the victim is still married to the man.ĭeputy Public Prosecutors (DPPs) Chee Ee Ling and Ang Siok Chen said that around 2015, the husband talked about his sex life with his colleague, which included his wife-sharing fantasies where a husband would watch another man having sex with the wife.Īfter the colleague agreed to act out the fantasy, he was not told about whether the victim consented to the idea.Ībout two years later, the husband invited the colleague over to his matrimonial home past midnight on Sept 1 in 2017 when the domestic worker, children and the wife were already asleep. The prosecution said that the colleague was not aware that the husband had fed the wife alcohol and an unknown drug, purportedly a sex enhancement drug, in order to make her fall asleep.

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When the colleague went into the bedroom, the victim was unconscious in bed, naked and blindfolded. He then undressed himself and performed various sex acts on the victim.

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At one point, he tried to sexually penetrate the victim without a condom but could not get an erection, the prosecution said.

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